Anvil Sewing Calendar http://www.anvilsewing.com Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:47:27 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 29 School of Sewing - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 29 Bernette Mastery Class1-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 29 School of Sewing - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 28 Doubled Irish Chain Quilt-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 28 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 27 Basic Sewing Machine Introduction-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 27 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 26 Bernina Mastery Class 1-Bend (must call in to store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 26 Rooted Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 25 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 22 School of Sewing-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 22 Amelie Scott - E2E Pro Class - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 22 Amelie Scott - Trunk Show - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 21 Doubled Irish Chain Quilt-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 21 Amelie Scott - E2E Core Class - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 21 Machine Embroidery Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 20 Amelie Scott - E2E Pro Class - Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 20 Amelie Scott - Trunk Show - Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 19 Machine Intro 2 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 19 Amelie Scott - E2E Core Class - Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 19 Open Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 18 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 15 Machine Intro 2 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 15 Basic Sewing Machine Introduction-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 15 Doubled Irish Chain Quilt-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 14 Bernette Mastery Class1-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 13 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 12 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 12 Bernina Mastery Class 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 12 Rooted Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 11 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 08 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 08 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 08 Garment Beginner Class-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 07 Serger Club-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 06 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 05 Serger Intro 1 - Medford (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 05 Bernina Mastery Class 1-Bend (must call in to store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 05 Open Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 04 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 01 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 1-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Mar. 01 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 28 Bernina B990-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 27 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 26 Bernette Mastery Class 2 -Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 26 Rooted Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 25 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 22 School of Sewing - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 22 Bernina Mastery Class 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 22 School of Sewing - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 21 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 1-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 21 Quilting Bee Party-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 20 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 20 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 19 Machine Embroidery Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 19 Machine Intro 2 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 19 Bernette Mastery Class1-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 19 QBP24 - Quilting Bee Party - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 18 Open Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 18 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 15 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 15 Bernina Mastery Class 1-Bend (must call in to store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 15 Bernina Mastery Class 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 14 Serger Intro 1-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 13 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 12 Machine Intro 1 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 12 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 2-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 12 Rooted Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 11 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 08 Machine Intro 2 - Medford http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 08 School of Sewing-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 08 Bernina Mastery Class 1-Bend (must call in to store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 07 Basic Sewing Machine Introduction-Bend (must call store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 06 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 05 Serger Intro 1 - Medford (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 05 Bernina Mastery Class Embroidery 1-Bend (must call into store to sign up) http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 05 Open Sew-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 04 Sew Teach Me-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 01 Bernina Stitch Club-Bend http://www.anvilsewing.com Feb. 01 View entire calendar > http://www.anvilsewing.com